Latest new Arabic movies dvd on sale أفلام عربية جديدة - شاهد أجمل وأحدت الأفلام البرامج والمسلسلات العربية،
Arabic DVDs - Life Of The Prophet Five dvds in Arabic DVDs Set with English subtitles

Product Description
The dvd in arabic with English subtitles
the best collection of Arabic DVDs. The first and the biggest TV Documentary for the complete details of Prophet Mohammeds (PBUH) life from his birth and all these events are shot in the actual locations where the events happened and supported with comments from the best historians. The show comes in 30 episodes of 30 minute each. The main locations were this has been shot are Mecca, Madina, Al Munawarah, Al Taif, Tabuk, Badr, Ohod, Khandek, Khyber, Palestine, Syria, Jordan. In these areas the Prophet had visited in Al Qudz, Bushra Al Sham, Buhairat Al Raheb, Al Qaneesa, Ghaswat Muhta and all also the DVD covers the places where the Prophet visited for his trade, like Bilad Al Sham and also shows the Rahlat Al Isra to Palestine. This programme includes special interviews with more than 30 ministers and field specialists and the best Islamic religious scholars. The best price for the Arabic Movie DVDs.