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arabic dvd dananeer om kolthom film movie Oum Kalthoum black and white فلم دنانيير ام كلثوم

Product Description

Oum Kalthoum ام كلثوم افلام
great movie for om kolthom , the movie is black and white and have eng sub
DANANEER فلم دنانيير. Format: WORLDWIDE
Set in the times of Arabian Nights this film tells the story of Dananeer, a poor bedouin girl with a beautiful voice. She is discovered and moves from her harsh desert life to the luxury and decadence of palaces and estates during the times of Harun Al Rashid. A classic film featuring some of the most critically acclaimed songs of Oum Kalthoum. Critics of the time said her voice was at its "zenith". The film was in part Najeeb Mahfouz's inspiration for his Nobel Prize winning novel "Khan Al Khalili" in which he described Oum Kolthoum's voice as the "Heavenly Voice". Starring Oum Kalthoum, Abbas Fares, Suleiman Najeeb, and Firdaous Hassan. Script by Ahmad Rami, Directed by Ahmad Badrakhan. Features include full biographies, the original advertising materials, photo album, original footage, and more. SUBTITLES IN ENGLISH AND FRENCH. RUNNING TIME 90 MIN.